Saturday, March 11, 2017

Enjoy the Perfect Zound: ZNS1235

ZNS 1235
The Bitter Cup

The Cross. God's ultimate sacrificial act of love. It is through him that our sin is so more, brought before him as pure-hearted children of the light. Every time I listen to this song I remember the last supper, how His body was broken just like the bread, and how his precious blood spilled like the wine from the cup. Although I might not be fully aware of God's presence with me everyday, I know that he loves me and watches over me every waking moment.

My heart is at peace yet moved whenever I hear this song. It winces at the thought of just how much Jesus endured on his journey to granting us salvation. Yet it also symbolised Jesus' pure heart, and his love for all mankind. This communion song makes me feel grateful for the life I was given, and motivates me to repay God for all the goodness he has shown me.


You may download the song here from ZionNewSong:

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  1. Hi,
    It is through him that our sin is so more, brought before him as pure-hearted children of the light.My heart is at peace yet moved whenever I hear this song. It winces at the thought of just how much Jesus endured on his journey to granting us salvation. I with agree your post. Thanks for sharing your post......



  2. شراء اثاث مستعمل بالمدينة
    دائماً الاثاث المستعمل يشكل مشكلة كبيرة عند الكثيرون خاصة الأشخاص التي تحب التغيير باستمرار ولن يجدون طريقة للتخلص من أثاثهم القديم، ولكن من الآن عزيزنا العميل سوف تجد المكان المناسب الذي يساعدكَ في التخلص من الأثاث المستعمل ويساعد الأخرون بأن يحصلون على اثاث مستعمل ممتاز يمكن أن يتم فرشه في منازلهم وكل هذا يتواجد في مكان واحد هو شركة شراء اثاث مستعمل بالمدينة المنورة.
