14 So the LORD God said to
the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all
the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you
will eat dust all the days of your life.
Genesis in the Bible records that Eve was tempted in the Garden of Eden by the serpent and ate the fruit of the only tree forbidden to eat by God—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God did not only punish Adam and Eve but also the serpent, that is Satan.
God also foretold that in the future the offspring of the serpent and that of the woman will be enemy to each other. The offspring of the woman will crush the serpent’s head and in turn it will strike his heel. Who are the offspring of the woman and that of the serpent?
In fact, the offspring of the woman refers to Jesus and his Church, because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by virgin Mary. Therefore, Jesus did not have a biological father. God described Jesus and his Church as the offspring of the woman.
But who is the offspring of the serpent? In fact, written as early as in Genesis 6, since Satan’s fallen angels are the serpent, the serpent’s offspring is created by the serpent breeding with women.
God sent the great flood to destroy all humans on earth in order to stop Satan’s and its angels from contaminating the bloodline of human. Only the righteous Noah and his family of 8 people were spared to keep the human lineage pure.
Genesis 6:1-4
However, Satan never stops the plan of polluting the human lineage. After the great flood, the bible continues to record the existence of the serpent’s offspring. They were the occupants of Canaan in Joshua’s time; in David’s time, David also hit a few giants to death, i.e. Rephaim, including the famous giant Goliath.
Up to Revelation in the New
Testament, this offspring of the serpent has grown up and become the red dragon
in Revelation. And they can sweep away a
third of stars in heaven, i.e. the downfall of the faith of church leaders who
will lead a big group of Christian to follow the serpent’s offspring.
Revelation 12:3-4
The red dragon in Revelation 12 does not only refer to the event of the serpent’s offspring but also a specific time, just like the woman in the beginning of the same Chapter is also referring to a particular time. From past to present, the image of this woman is used to refer to a set time, that is the time of the annual rise of the sun with Virgo, i.e. the Feast of Trumpets every year, or even the Feast of Trumpets on 29 September 2011. Therefore, the concept of “The Interstellar‧Book of Revelation” must be used to understand Revelation completely
Revelation 12:1
As the woman described in
Revelation 12, her appearance represents the beginning of travail. And the time the red dragon appears is also the time
when Planet X appears in the sky and also the time when Satan will cause a
third of church leaders originally qualified for rapture to sin and turn them
into the serpent’s offspring.
However, Chapter 12 also mentions the third role at the same time, that is the child born by the woman and caught up at birth who will also rule all the nations with an iron scepter.
Revelation 13:16-18
16 He also forced everyone,
small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right
hand or on his forehead,
ReplyDeleteThe Red Dragon ??
ReplyDeleteoh awesome